- Kubernetes Master/worker has been setup,
- The kubectl CLI utility is configured to interact with kubernetes api-server
###Check if you can connect to the cluster
kubectl cluster-info
###Get basic info about nodes and their roles in the cluster
kubectl get nodes
###Get a more detailed description
kubectl get nodes -o wide
###Get information about the pods running in current namespace
kubectl get pods #can be used with -o wide for detailed description
###Create your namespace
kubectl create namespace test
###Delete your namespace
kubectl delete namespace test
###Retrieving pods information from test namespace
kubectl get pods -n test
###Create deployment from CLI
kubectl run <<app-name>> --image=<<docker_image_url>>
###Exposing deploymemt on NodePort
kubectl expose deployment <<app-name>> --type=NodePort
###Delete deployment
kubectl delete deployment/<<app-name>>
###Get services
kubectl get svc
###Get pods from all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
###Get all components of your cluster in all namespaces(PODs, Deployments, Services, ReplicaSet etc.)
kubectl get all --all-namespace
###Executing command inside pod
kubectl exec <<pod_name>> <<cmd>>
###Getting inside a running pod
kubectl exec -it <<pod_name>> /bin/bash
###Scaling application through deployment
kubectl scale --replicas=<<no_of_replicas>> deploy/<<app-name>>
###Get labels present on pods from every namespace with detailed info
kubectl get pods --show-labels --all-namespaces -o wide
###Apply a configuration using config files
kubectl apply -f <<file_name>>